Simple and fast
Helps you organize
your Print Files
Multiple Languages
Small software
Simple and fast installation
Helps you organize your
Print Files
Multiple Languages
Don’t want to open and edit again your source file?
Not a problem!Don’t even have the source file? Just the PLT or PDF?
No worries!Need to convert a file you got from someone else to DWG or DXF so you can continue editing it in your CAD software?
You are in the right place!CADesign
View the following file formats PDF, PLT, PRN, DWF(x), JPG, PNG, and soon PSD and AI.
Files are open very quickly, including layers and multi-pages support. User can then Zoom, Rotate, and Compare between files. Very fast Zoom, Very fast loading time, no matter how heavy the file is.
Edit your files after viewing them.
Files are open very quickly, including layers and multi-pages support. User can then Zoom, Rotate, and Compare between files. Very fast Zoom, Very fast loading time, no matter how heavy the file is.
Add many types of annotations.
Dimension lines (including exact snap points), texts, arrows, special shapes (like cloud marks), stamps, notes, and much more. Each annotation can be customized to your needs, in terms of content, color, font, size, and location on screen.
Add accurate dimension lines.
(including full dynamic snap), calculate area and length by polygons, and set exact scale to get the best results. User can customize the results (appearance, color, unit, scale, etc.) and update all calculations in retrospective.
Merge different file types together.
into a long file and save it in any format you would like!
Compare Different versions of the same project.
to identify differences and discrepancies.
Convert your files to other formats.
including your edits, annotations and calculations. Convert any file you have opened to DWG, DXF, PDF, PLT, DWF or Raster file (JPG, BMP, PNG, etc.). Resulting file will be a Full Vector File (except in the case of Raster file) that can be used in any CAD / CAM / BIM software, or can be sent to any printer / plotter. And all that without the need to return to the source file.